The marketing of shiny things

Absurd, Art, Synthesizers

This week I saw on the following video (that amazingly it has more than 3 million views):

If you don’t want to check it all I’ll give you a small summary. The video presents a new software for making music, in which the marketing was made by professionals that do not have a clue about the music software market. I said professionals because it seems that they are doing a correct campaign. However I think is not really effective.

In that video these guys present a simple and affordable solution that will help you make good music. They claim that is so easy that you don’t need to study music theory, learn complicated stuff o buy expensive gear… and the weirdest thing is that they say that your friends will envy you…

Guys of Dr. Drum, I have to tell you that when I buy software or hardware I search exactly for the opposite.

I don’t like shiny things,  I like it dirty.

We love complex stuff, we love learning.

That’s one of my principles. That’s what I pray every morning.

Music software and hardware is complex by nature. It’s mysterious and intriguing, but is friendly. Even the simplest machine plays an important role. For example this AB Switch pedal.

It’s function is to route the guitar signal to two different destinations. It’s easy to use and it allows doing amazing stuff.

When I see one of these images I start drooling…

These images are pure beauty.. these are machines of controlled chaos…

I think that all the music is chaotic, and harmony it’s just a piece of it that our senses got used to.

The perfect balance

Ernst Nathorst-Böös nailed it with Reason. In this talk he mentions the key point of a music software.  The software needs to be simple but still having a level of complexity.

We need to feel that every song, every sound we make is our own sound.

Even if my songs are crap they are still my crap and I’m happy. That’s why I can spend long hours preparing a sound.

In the chaos I can let myself go…

BTW. The Reason screenshot is one of my songs.